Thursday, September 9, 2010

strange to say

strange to say, do not do the next day Aunt Zhang nightmare, and everyone they praise God naive calculation broken. So, look for the good of calculation Happening more and more people. However, regardless of walk Who wins, one thing is the same, that is, to a place to send a jin of live cock.
day, the village came a message: P90X Operator dZi steal someone's stuff was arrested. villagers to count Happening around the house were packed, people see police officers in his yard dug up the stolen goods have a lot of feathers.
crowd stunned.
time that there was an old man asked the operator Happening: ; you can count dZi not known you, how this actually count to his head, and a process, you eat a cock sent to a place you do not then all is well? br> Operators dZi bowed his head on a police vehicle.
Since then, the village and p90x workout then no one believed the fortune teller.
Untitled Zhang woman and Mrs. Wang are widows, knees have a son.
Zhang woman is blind, the family has a television, a radio king-laws, therefore, p90x dvd set often to a king-laws Zhang woman listening to the radio, Mrs. Wang, Chang-laws often to watch TV.
day, Zhang woman to the King my husband to listen to wide ...

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