Sunday, September 19, 2010

Reference Site

Reference Site: Welcome to inquire: How to eliminate freckles freckles freckles small retaining Shikanglilai how to eliminate the face to remove freckles @ how to wipe his face freckles, Kang Lilai teach you easy to be a water beauty. More beauty information visit: tomato juice: tomato juice per : drink a cup of tomato juice herve leger a day constantly eating tomatoes, prevention and treatment of freckles has a good effect. because the tomato is rich in vitamin C, known as activity, effectively reduce the formation of melanin, making the skin white and tender, dark spots faded. cucumber porridge: Take grams of rice, grams of fresh cucumber, salt grams, grams of ginger. Wash the cucumber, peeled to Heart cut into thin slices.
rice washing clean, wash ginger Crush. pot of about ml of water, home fire, the rice, ginger, boil, herve leger dress switch to simmer slowly cook until the rice into the cucumber bad nowadays, then cook until soup thickens, season with salt into. on the st second warm clothes, you can moisturize the skin, beauty cream, lose weight. regular consumption of cucumber porridge, can eliminate freckles, whitening skin. carrot juice: fresh carrot pestle Ji Zhi, herve leger bandage dress take - ml morning and evening after washing face to face shoot fresh juice, to be coated with vegetable oil with dry hands pat the face. In addition, drink a cup of carrot juice a day is also the role of freckle . because the carrots are rich in vitamin A of the original.

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