Friday, September 24, 2010

but more sensitive to this place

but more sensitive to this place, if the allergy spray, do not spray. want to save our points with perfume, then put clean clothes Shanghao a perfume, but not recommended to do so. because it is a bit injury clothes. or winter, you spray perfume on clothes, because winter perfume is not easy to spread. general, when you spray cologne to your skin christian louboutin distance 20 cm, this range of large and uniform spray, perfume spray, if unevenly, then, is likely to be volatile waste. exclusive fragrance of my small shop: How lasting fragrant perfume Chanel perfume perfume picture choose to use the principle of perfume perfume perfume you subtle fragrance Xiren The Magic of interest perfume, bright: Lancome christian louboutin shoes Lily lyrics perfume toxic lyrics beauty of engraved perfume perfume to use: 1. perfume fragrance darker, you should use in the winter, dress or dinner.
2. the smell of perfume when compared with light should be used in the summer or during the day to use. christian louboutin sale 3. spray cologne, the vents should be the body to maintain a distance of about 30 centimeters, this will bring perfume fragrance evenly distributed, not concentrated in a particular. 4. perfume should avoid direct spray in white clothes, because more than half of the perfume contain pigment, spray directly on the white clothes to make clothes with perfume affect the pigment residue beautiful clothes.

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