Tuesday, January 11, 2011

What money all dare Zheng

Change a Wei website to suggest according to hair in Peking City, April, 2007 after Liu Li Hua is case delivers, once had a villager to change Wei anonymity to report Yan toward hair in Peking City always pleased, after reporting to once mention the lotus stone road construction in the letter two side building the house covered repair to issue, still call the Yan"what money dare to spend, what money all dare Zheng, what money dare to transfer" at the same time.
Author:Zhang Yuan
(Responsibility editor:kaimengli)
This reports Xun(reporter sweet Hao trainee week Wen Wen) tiny Bo and becomes the popular phrase of this year is Internet, information quantity abundant, spread speed quickly, but this platform up, the spreading of rumor speed is also unusually quick.
Front day, the 9 official tiny Bos to public security official of the grounds, such as Guangdong and Hebei...etc. related personnel should invite to a city, at and the discussion of police department in Peking City in, "announce true facts in time, run a race with rumor", become a consistent consensus.

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